• Yolikers is Facebook auto likes, comment and follower exchange website where you can get likes and comment on status, photo and Fan pages and profile followers.
  • Do not use Yolikers for your official website and we will not responsible for any kind of problem in your Facebook accounts.
  • Auto-Liker is only for Facebook Fun, don not use it for any kind of bad promotion.
  • Auto-Liker never ask for your Facebook email ID and password. We use access token to get likes and comments on your Facebook status and photos, profile follower.
  • Be aware from the clone site of Auto-Liker and we will not responsible for that kind of website.
  • Do not use any spam website and we are one of the 100% Spam free Facebook Auto liker website.
  • Do not abuse our website, we will ban those who abuse our website.
  • Do not Share your access token to others.
  • Do not Use any Spam website. If you use that then Facebook may disable your account.
  • Read our Term and conditions carefully and use our Facebook auto tool.